Technology to automate & scale the creation, Localization & Maintenance of compliant instruction videos.

Video Creation Cloud

TXTOmedia is the global video automation company that provides SaaS services to automatically create, localize & update videos at scale.  This way we allow businesses to easily and quickly create training, instruction, and how-to videos from i.e. their existing text documentation and content.

Reuse & Renew

The system typically reuses existing written topics in for instance XML or DITA formats, other formats are possible too. Or you start from scratch using our editor. By not only reusing already existing topics, but also the reuse of localized content, existing images and video fragments TXTomedia helps to shorten production time, increase the life span of video and to cut cost significantly.

How it works

Based on your existing written documents, our innovative 'Video Creation Cloud' creates compliant videos according to your brand. Ultimately improving the end-viewer experience and decreasing video production costs, saving print and distribution, and therefor your overall carbon footprint.

Instruction Videos at Scale

TXTOmedia's Video Creation Cloud enables the creation, localization and maintenance of a wide range of instructional videos. From SOFTWARE UI and actual PRODUCT videos to PROCESS related videos.

Waste reduction

How to operate your Processes

Automate the creation of instruction videos for Installation, Service and Maintenance by leveraging our Video Creation App.

Waste reduction

How to use your Products

Teach end users how to unbox, install, and use your products by creating live-action videos or animations in all necessary languages in an automated manner.

Waste reduction

How to use your Software

Fully automate the creation of Software Instruction videos in all needed languages, including automatically localized user interfaces.

Video solutions that enable the world.

Think Big & Work Smart

Waste reduction


Scale your Video production, while maintenance and localizing your videos is no longer a growing burden.

Waste reduction


Embed TXTOmedia's Video Creation Cloud as a key component onto your IT-stack to automate creation, maintenance, localization and publishing of videos.

Waste reduction

Speed Up

Speed Up your production flow and the time-to-market of your deliverables. Even in all the needed local languages at once..

Waste reduction

Lower TCO

Lower the Total Cost of Ownership of your videos by double digits from day one. And minimize the maintenance hassle and cost.

Our dedication to innovation has positioned us as an industry leader in several technology areas, including video automation, localization, text-to-speech conversion accuracy, live-action video production support, and video publishing capabilities.

Our goal is to provide video solutions enabling the world to learn more easily and faster, creating a better experience for all.

Now you can quickly produce How-to, Training and Instruction videos, using written-only content

Latest News

Nordic TechKomm

Copenhagen, DK - At NORDIC TechKomm TXTOmedia will share its experiences regarding transforming teams adding video to their deliverables.

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Kohler's Flipbook videos

Kohler turns manuals into videos. Adding YouTube as one of the main channels to communicate with installation and maintenance professionals.

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The Video Creation App

TXTOmedia's Mobile Video recording App to create installation, maintenance & training videos in cooperation with your SMEs.

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>12000 medical animations

CAREanimations uses TXTOmedia's Video Creation Cloud to automate the creation of personalized medical animation videos for various markets in various languages.

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Quanos Connect '24

Nuremberg, DE - TXTOmedia turns to the stage at Quanos Connect '24. Showing various ways to automatically turn ST4 content into videos.

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Replace images to video fragments

Turn DITA into Videos at scale. TXTOmedia's Video Creation Cloud helps to create, localize and maintain large numbers op videos from your DITA content.

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Improve the Customer Experience right from the unboxing moment

We work for:


Minimize the hard copy hassle

Bringing products to a global market comes at a price: the massive task of creating, producing, and distributing user documentation in various languages and versions. What if you could replace this with more effective, easy-scaling video content? TXTOmedia offers a future-proof solution that unlocks endless possibilities for your existing content, way beyond the limitations of paper.

Leverage your existing written content to automate the creation of How-to videos and training at scale.

Ensure effective education

For producers of technical equipment, training and instruction of maintenance and support engineers is essential to maintain the required standards. The same goes for customer serving employees at internationally active brands in the food or hospitality industry. Using your existing documentation as an input for the TXTOmedia platform, combined with built-in media sources, you can turn your training content into effective videos. Fully automated, fast and multilingual.

Make video creation scalable:

Waste reduction


Turn written Instructions into engaging How-to Videos for Self Support on i.e. YouTube.

Waste reduction


Helps to feed Learning Management Systems with valuable video instructions.

Waste reduction


Reuse existing video assets to create and maintain localized videos at once.

Waste reduction


Improve the Customer Experience by transforming existing written content to video.

Video Creation Cloud

TXTOmedia's Video Creation Cloud (VCC) is offered as a SaaS solution to automate the creation of video at scale. After initial training, you manage the automated production process yourself. However, our partners, your existing suppliers, or even our professional service team can (temporarily) support you in handling the system and producing the required videos with your media assets, offering VCC as a Video as a Service (VaaS) solution.



Fast global & multilingual product roll-out. Streamline Print, PDF and How-to videos, all from one single source.

The success stories

Taking care of health at scale. Create thousands of localized & personalized animations in a highly efficient manner.

The success stories

Compliant live action videos, localized at scale.