Why HP is a customer

HP supports its customers in at least 24 languages. How to do this in video too in a cost- and time effective way?

Localizing videos at scale

HP is a technology company with over 80 years of actions that prove innovation. HP Inc. creates technology and offers a portfolio of printers, PCs, mobile devices, solutions, and services.

HP Support

HP Support uses TXTOmedia's Video Creation Cloud to create & localize support videos at scale. Video titles are based on existing content from the DITA-based CCMS of HP. This ensures the video titles to be compliant and consistent. Also, reuse of content and localized content is cost-& time saving.

Video Creation Cloud

The Video Creation Cloud helps to streamline the various processes and teams involved. From the technical documentation department, localization teams and the in-house video production team. All work and combine their efforts via the Video Creation Cloud.


To lower 'Total Cost of Ownership' and shorten the 'Time To Market' of video, especially localized variations of the video, HP choose TXTOmedia's Video Creation Cloud to help them scale, stay compliant and up-to-date. Using this technology also prevents HP's teams to get stuck in maintenance of existing videos instead of creating new ones.


TXTOmedia's Video Creation Cloud is all about single-source, reuse and compliance. Written topics from manuals are the basis for the initial video. Localized versions of the written topics are the input for localized text-to-speech audio.


Since localized versions differ in audio and timing, our video creation process focusses on fragments instead of titles. Each fragment is the media version of the written localized text fragment. For instance, each step in a procedure is a separate fragment.


After the initial creation of the visual video fragments, using the support of the Video Creation Cloud. All these visual video fragments are mapped and combined with the designated audio fragments per language.


Now, the separate video fragments get 'stitched' into the localized video titles to get published.


The written text also used for i.e. PDF and print are used for the initial video. Investments in localization for PDF and print are resued for the localized audio creation. And finally, the visual video fragments are resued for all localized videos at once.


This method guarentees compliance. It makes sure that what you read in the manual matches what you learn by watching the video. Leveraging the existing localization processes and outcome guarantees terminology management and costsaving. Alltogether it also speeds up the time to market for initial creation and updates in the future.


Waste reduction

Localize Videos

To add multilingual videos to HP's Youtube Support channel.

Waste reduction

Shorter Time to Market

Reducing the production time for localized videos from 50 working days to less than 5.

Waste reduction

Lower TCO

>50% less creation costs compared to traditional video

Waste reduction


Offer tools and processes to localize video at scale.